Thursday, January 26, 2006

Movie review: Firefly (tv) disc one

5 stars! Loved it! The lead guy resembles Han Solo, only a little more ruthless. The plot is that the captain and first mate fought together in some intergalactic war and were on the losing side. They pieced together a crew of great personalities and in the first episode, the subject is closely tied to the movie, Serenity. After that, it's basically a serial adventure with bits of history woven into each episode. Great sci-fi series and I can't wait to get the next disc.

Congratulations Palestine!

What the hell? Palestine just held elections and voted for...drum roll please...Hamas (! For those who don't know, the primary goal for Hamas is the destruction of Israel. Nice going there folks, at least it's all out in the open now. I'm not saying that Palestine was wonderful and peaceful before the election, but to openly endorse the destruction of Israel is a first. Give yourselves a pat on the back people.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Movie reviews: Equilibrium & Fantastic Four

My mother-in-law was kind enough to give our family a year's subscription to Netflix and I thought I'd blog my thoughts about the movies I rent.

Equilibrium - one star

This movie was recommended by my buddy Kev and he thought it was money. I couldn't disagree more after seeing this piece of crap. Great actors, Christian Bale & Taye Diggs, but a cheap Matrix ripoff with the dark lighting and post apocalyptic scenario done before in 1984 and The Handmaiden's Tale. Even the cool action scenes couldn't save this horror show.

Fantastic Four - two stars

Decent movie, but nothing to write home about. Cool CGI and action scenes - but not enough meat in the story. The acting is so-so and the Thing's voice is complete crap.

OBL and the left

Wow is all I can say after reading the text from the Osama tape. How can anyone not infer from OBL's words that he's completely aligned with the left in this country? It almost sounds like Ted Kennedy sent over his talking points to OBL and he simply ran with them in this latest tape. It's patently obvious that the left's constant stream of cut and run is exactly what OBL wants. The fact that he even mentions a truce, yeah - I'm going to go ahead an not buy that one, shows how desperate he is and how we are winning the war over there. Great job OP: Iraqi Freedom and keep up the good work.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Republican corruption

I was saddened by the recent stories about the corruption surrounding Abermoff (sp) and his ilk. It's crazy that we all want the money out of politics, but it's not going to happen anytime soon. I hope the public throws out every congressman who did break the law no matter if they're in my party of choice or not. It's money that makes the wheels of government spin, but it also corrupts while spinning. I get mad at idiots who suggest that all political advertising should be paid for by the public. The idea sounds great a first, right? If the PACs can't fund the ads wouldn't that take money out of it? Yes and no. What would these people do in order to decide who can run? What if two million people want to run for Senator in California? Is there a Senator test they'll develop to see if candidates are qualified? Isn't that discrimination? I too hate all the money that fuels campaigns, but don't have any idea of how to remove it from the process.

I know I strayed from the topic at hand and I'm mad as hell at the folks from my party have given in to the dark side and hope they're given the stiffest penalties available and the party as a whole learns from their mistakes.

More random crap...

I'm adding to the people I hate list: the genius who has more than 10 items, yet gets into the line anyway and gets one over on "the man". I so wish the clerk would count the items before checking them out to make sure they don't exceed the 10 item limit. Stuff like that chaps my hide.

And another thing, when you make a product that requires tools to install, how about listing them on the OUTSIDE OF THE BOX? It may just help folks like me to from making two trips just to put in your product.

If you like comedy and music, check out Roger Allen Wade's All Likkered Up. Classic stuff