Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Port issue

A good deal has already been said about the UAE port deal and I have read some of the theories on both sides of the issue. A good assessment comes from one of my favorite blogs, Powerline, http://powerlineblog.com/archives/013265.php and offers some interesting thoughts on the issue.

One funny fact was that UAE is already coming and going at JFK in NY and has been for sometime now. For all those worried about the ports should also be questioning the airport security as well if that is truly their concern. My thought is that the left and those on the right who are worried about re-election this year are attempting to get on the "right" side of the issue to couch themselves as concerned about US security.

I don't pretend to understand the whole issue, but there appears to be more than meets the eye.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Movie review: Flightplan & The Island

Flightplan - 2 stars and that's being generous! I love Jodie Foster and like most of her work (Nell being the exception - although to be fair, I've never seen the whole movie), but this one was a stinker. The whole first hour is like pulling teeth before it even sniffs becoming interesting, which lasts for about 15 minutes before moving onto to utterly ridiculous and silly.

The Island - I liked this one. Decent story with great acting from both the principles and role players. I'd give it 4 stars. It doesn't hurt that Scarlett Johannasen is the female lead either gentlemen.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Is it just me, or do both Ryan Seacrest and Jeff Probst have a deal with Satan? These are two of the luckiest people in the world. Two no talent hacks who were lucky enough to be a hosts on reality shows that have sent their careers to the stratosphere. Ryan Seacrest is clearly the more evil of the two and has guest hosted for both Dick Clark and Larry King. Larry King? Are you kidding me? I know that King is just a frog with suspenders, but he is an icon in our time and for Seacrest to guest host is a tragedy. I can only hope their fall is just around the corner.

Update 03-14-2006 Now Seacrest is dating Teri Hatcher...see?

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Danish dust up

I must preface this post with the following: I'm kind of talking out of my a$$ on the issue, but have done some reading.

I love the double standard here. The Arabs can mock and constantly degrade Judaism and Christianity, but if someone in Denmark even draws a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed, they have the right to kill that person? Am I missing something here? Does that sound rational? So much for the religion of peace. Until the Arabs clean up their own press when it comes to bashing the Jews and Christians, they have no ground to stand on in my book.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Movie review: Bend it like Beckham

Pretty good film - funny, but not ha-ha funny. 4 stars.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Super Bowl Champions!

Congratulations Pittsburgh! I didn't want to jinx anything after the last few games, but this one was great! I've been waiting for our beloved Steelers to win the big one since that horrible day in 1995. After a shaky start, the Steelers rebounded and won the game. What a day indeed!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Something funny happened on the way home...

Last night the family went to it's first sign language class and the real fun began on the ride home.

Kathy, being the responsible parent, told me to ask Gaby if she needed to use the bathroom before we left. It was already 7:30 pm and I made the executive decision not to ask Gaby since I thought even if she didn't have to go, she'd start thinking about it during the ride home and then ask to go even if she really didn't have to go. We loaded up the car and began driving home on the pitch black back roads of Newcastle with rain pouring down. Just after passing the Newcastle exit, Gaby informs us that she has to go potty. For the uninitiated, the longest stretch of nothing happens just after the Newcastle exit up to the Loomis exit. I sped up, took the first exit, and headed into what appeared to be a gas station. Unfortunately, the gas station was being built along with an office complex adjacent to it. Gaby really has to go now, so I tell her to jump out and just go here since it's deserted and dark. Mom and Gaby got out and Gaby proceeded to ask why she had to go in a parking lot then peed on her pants due to poor aiming. I rolled down the passenger window to see how it was going. Mom stripped off the soiled pants and put Gaby back in pants-less but relieved. Kathy got back in the car and began to roll up her window when it got stuck half way up. We had thought the window problem was due to heat since it only seemed to happen during the 95+ degree summer days. Obviously our diagnosis of the window problem was wrong. The drive home was straight out of a comedy with Kathy desperately holding a baby blanket over the half closed window with rain and cold wind pouring into the car, Gaby telling us she's cold, the heat cranked up to full blast to try and counter the open window. Too funny.