Thursday, March 30, 2006

What happened to Han Solo?


One more reason I hate Harrison Ford. This guy can't just be happy with his freaking great life and being an icon to all those Star Wars fans. Here's a carpenter who was pissed that all these other young actors were going into read for Star Wars and he was given the chance of a lifetime. Anytime you see an interview and someone dares to bring up Star Wars, the guy gets mad that he's famous for that movie and not the other films he's done. Wa, wa freaking wa. Shut up Ford and try being happy that you've made your living off of a film that you constantly put down.

Oh, and lose the earring old man. No one's buying it and it makes you look even more creepy especially since you're dating a girl young enough to be your daughter.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


How funny were the protest marches over the weekend in regards to illegal immigration? How can anyone protest that illegal immigration is a good thing and should continue to be swept under the carpet? Is this the bizzaro world? There is a reason it's called illegal folks. I have no problem with legal immigration, but doing anything less than deporting the illegal immigrants is rewarding bad behavior. As for those who say we simply can't do it since there are too many illegal immigrants here already, I offer the same suggestion that was successfully used by those minutemen on the border. I'd gladly volunteer a weekend or two or three to the INS and help catch and return those who are here illegally. I would also like to see the employers of the illegal immigrants punished harshly as well since they are the true enablers of the current process. Lastly, can we please please please end all government sponsored printing of US documents in any language other than English? I must say that my man Michael Savage said it best when it comes to what should be priorities in our country: borders, language, & culture.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Liberal media...

I love how the left always claims there is no liberal, yeah.

The picture on the left is from an ABC honcho who now claims to be mortified about his blackberry message got out.

Was he mortified that the message got out or that he said it and showed his obvious bias?

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Give them back!

Absolutely unbelievable! These peace idiots that were SAVED by the military and blames them for being kidnapped. I say give them back.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Great speech

Tony Blair's first of three speeches is absolutely brilliant:

It's a long speech, but extremely well reasoned.

More fallout from the Danish cartoons

I've already written about the whole uproar over the Danish cartoons and Islam, but now they've gone and attacked one of my favorite childhood toys in an attempt to garner hatred of Denmark, the Lego. Yes, Lego, according to that do nothing bunch of idiots at the UN, represents racism since it's Denmark's most famous company and that's where the cartoons came from. What the hell? Lego had NOTHING to do with the cartoons in the first place and now the UN has targeted them as a symbol of intolerance. I just don't get it. Once again the UN has shown it's ignorance to the world. I only wish that US would withdraw from the UN and kick them out of the country for good or at least give the speech Chappelle gave in my favorite bit from his show called "Black Bush". Classic stuff.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Movie reviews...lots to catch up on

The Cave - same as the legendary review of Shark Sandwich - sh!t sandwich

16 Blocks - cool movie - both Willis and Def give great performances that are a refreshing break from the usual cop/bad guy picture and David Morse is becoming quite the go to bad guy these days.

Fun with Dick and Jane - should have been called, let's make a half a$$ed movie that's not funny with big name actors and then throw in over-the-top jabs at corporate America - subtlety is not a word found in the writers' vocabulary.

Million Dollar Baby - great acting, directing, and writing - horrible situation and a discussion movie for the ages. hard to talk about since i don't believe in euthanasia under any circumstance, but it gives an improbable situation to force the question.

Girl Next Door - Great documentary about the adult business. Really a sad story and probably not an exception to the rule for most folks in the business.

About Schmidt - Wonderful acting from the cast and sharp writing. Jack is great in this one. Great focus on what life amounts to in the end.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Movie review: Doogal

What a piece of crap! It's definitely no Toy Story or Finding Nemo here, just another in a long line of uninspired tripe from Hollywood. The only redeeming quality was the animation, which was decent. More than half of the jokes were directed at the adults in the audience which seems pointless if your target audience is the young skulls full of mush sitting in the theatre seats. I'd be fine if NONE of the jokes were aimed at things only an adult would find funny. That means you Jimmy Fallon - you talentless tripe. Fallon voices the rabbit who plays guitar and is a hippie. Little Fallon had such classic one-liners that referred back to Pulp Fiction and Lord of the Rings. One nice surprise was John Stewart as the bad guy - very well done.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Oscar roundup

Watched the Oscars last night and thought I'd let the world know what I thought:

-I generally like John Stewart, but thought he was less than exemplary at the Oscars. Some of the political jokes worked and I especially liked the slander ad spoofs, but all too often the whole telecast appeared disjointed and odd.

-Clooney, what an ass. I like the guy as an actor and obviously differ with him on politics, but his speech was horrible for two reasons: #1 he completely dissed the other nominees when he claimed that art should not be judged...okay then asshat, why show up at all or why not just give it away on stage or call everyone up to experience it. Stupid. #2 he took his swipe at the rest of America by claiming that he's happy he's out of touch or the mainstream because it's Hollywood that really changes things in this country for the better...Um...I don't think so you pompous ass - but way to go by continuing the separation from the rest of the sane folks who share the planet with you.

-Reese, great classy speech. Loved her performance in Walk the Line and appreciated her thoughtful words during her acceptance speech.

-Crash wins best picture. Like the movie, but felt as if the racist theme was a bludgeon to the head instead of masterfully woven into the story. The acting was first class, but the writing was too heavyhanded.

-Overall, I'd give the Oscars a C+ for the night.

Movie review: Walk the Line

Great film! I'd give it 4 out of 5 starts. I only recently began listening to the late great Johnny Cash after Rick Rubin stripped down his sound and just had him record with just a guitar. Too cool. Joaquin Phoenix did a masterful job in filling the shoes of the Man in Black and Reese was a dream as June. Great story and well acted, not to mention filled with great music.