Friday, May 26, 2006

More immigration fun!

Just a few more thoughts on the immigration story...

The bill recently passed in the Senate grants amnesty to 10 million illegal aliens. Huh? What? Are you kidding me?

And just when I thought I couldn't be any more surprised, I see that Arny met with Vincente Fox and asked if he could get Mexico to make the border tunnels illegal. First, does that mean that the tunnels are legal now? Second, Vincente then shows how cooperative we really are by saying that he would consider making the tunnels illegals?!?

What kind of world am I living in? Why didn't the Terminator just backhand him right there?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Smoking and exercise - a great combination

Funny thing happened the other day. I was on my morning walk and a lady approached on my side of sidewalk with a dog on a leash. After I stepped onto the street (yes, I'm quite the gentleman) to let her pass on the sidewalk, she smiled and went past. It was approximately three seconds until I caught the nauseating aroma of cigarette smoke. I looked back and sure enough, she was happily puffing away on a cancer stick. I love the fact that she's out taking the dog for a walk and getting some exercise, but still takes the time to insure that she negates all that by smoking. What a wonderful world!

Friday, May 12, 2006

NSA flap

Wow, I'm shocked...the NSA is doing their job. I'm not too worried over hear about the USA Today story that broke yesterday. The funny thing about the story is that the NY Times already had the story months before, but no one seemed to freak out back then. I also found it funny that a poll said that 60% + of folks were not concerned either.

I'm no fan of government intrusion, but isn't it speaking out of both sides of one's mouth if you chastise an administration that didn't connect the dots before 9/11 and then tell them to stop trying to connect the dots and shut down the NSA program?

Monday, May 08, 2006

Thanks for NOT thinking of others...

I was treated to some fun exposure to illness when a young girl in church was being held by her Mother as she hacked without covering her mouth. Now, me personally, would not have brought one of my sick children into a church to spread the disease. Perhaps, I'm paranoid (just ask my wife), but I was pissed not only that she was there and sick, but that her parents didn't even make an attempt to ask her to at least cover her mouth. I was bobbing and weaving until my wife shot me a look of horror. I was simply trying to avoid getting sick and then infecting my family. After a while, the sick little girl began to cover her mouth and I thanked her for that. Am I crazy?

Friday, May 05, 2006

What the hell?

Why is it that some people feel the need to brush their teeth in the bathroom at work? I understand that hygiene is important, but do you really need to brush at work? The funny thing is that for these tools that want to make sure their mouth is clean are asking for trouble if they use their toothbrush at work. I read that when a toilet is flushed, the spray containing all the fecal bacteria can shoot up and be dispersed up to 12 feet. Basically, these moronic people are bushing their teeth with other people's ass matter. Sweet.

Monday, May 01, 2006

NFL Draft Day

Ah, I was filled with joy on Saturday as I tuned into the 2006 NFL Draft coverage on ESPN. My son, Dave, and I sat all day watching the draft unfold. Our beloved Steelers traded with the NY Giants to move up in the draft and grab Santonio Holmes-WR on their first pick. Brilliant move since we recently lost Randle El to the Redskins. One quick side note, I already am SICK of the Under Armor ad, Click-Clack. Stop already. Please. The Steelers also grabbed the following folks: Anthony Smith-S, Willie Reid-RS, Willie Colon-OT, Orien Harris-DT, Omar Jacobs-QB, Charles Davis-TE, Marvin Phillip-C, and Cedric Humes-RB.

I cannot WAIT for the season to get here. Go Steelers!

Movie review: Requiem for a Dream

Cool, but disturbing movie about three, well - four, drug addicts. It reminded me of the crank movie, Spun, in the quick cuts and weird visual effects. Superb acting from all the leads: Jared Leto, Jennifer Connelly, Ellen Burnstyn, and even Marlon Wayans. The guy who wrote/directed this movie also did the other avant garde movie, Pie (the mathematics symbol). Pie was a tad too strange for my tastes, but Requiem was good. Although exercise caution when viewing because a good deal of the images are pretty shocking.