For those who have been living in a cave, Big Ben was in a motorcycle accident a few weeks ago and he wasn't wearing a helmet. There is no law in PA requiring riders to wear a helmet but being QB of an NFL team who just won the Superbowl, perhaps Ben should have put one on before jumping on his crotch rocket. At first, I simply prayed that he was okay and not dead. Once Ben came out of surgery, the news was too good to be true. Aside from some new hardware, titanium plates in his face, he would make a full recovery and experienced no brain damage. I was happy that a) he was alive and well, b) he could continue to lead my beloved Steelers this season, and c) everyone was able to walk away from the accident. The problem I have is that someone who is paid an unbelievable amount of money to play a kid's game, is the face of an NFL franchise, is responsible to his employers, his team, and his fans would be so reckless in his off the field behavior. I'm not trying to say that NFL players should live in a bubble, but reasonable precautions can be taken while still under contract. Terry Bradshaw said it best, "Ride those things when you retire."