Friday, September 22, 2006

Yet another reason the NFL is better that college football

Last week during the overtime between Denver and KC, Jim Nantz trotted out the college rule that in overtime, each team gets the ball so that everyone has a chance to score and the NFL should change their rule. Please! The rule is akin to what's happening all across the US unfortunately, as kids are being taught that no one should win a game because we're all winners. Yuck. My best buddy is a HUGE college fan and likes this rule, but I hate it because it takes away from a true defensive effort. If your team doesn't get the ball in overtime in the NFL, they know that in order to win they have to step it up and get a stop before the other team gets into field goal range. If the defense can't hold, they don't deserve to win in my book. Giving each team a chance to score is just plain ridiculous.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Are they serious?

There is now a law that folks are looking to pass that would mandate kids won't be allowed to ride up front in a car until they're 13 and will have to be in a booster seat until age 8. When I was a kid, I can vividly remember riding in the back of my Mom's Chevy Malibu with no seat belt and facing the wrong direction. Sure, there was the occasional moment of danger, like when I almost choked to death on, of all things, a Life Saver (another story for another day), but we never had any problems. I think that sometimes society tries to protect a little too much especially when it comes to kids. I still rage against the machine that my wife makes our daughter wear a helmet while riding her bicycle. At this rate, car seat of the future will all be equipped with air bags and take up even more room in the car. Unbelievable.

Friday, September 15, 2006


While on my morning walk, I pasted by a house that I do almost everyday. The truck that is normally parked on the street in front of the home had a trailer hooked up. On the trailer, there were two black and white big jet skis with names on the back. The ready...GOOSE and MAVERICK. No, I'm not kidding. Too funny. On top of all of it, the owner is also a Raiders' fan. I laughed until I cried and then just felt sad for the guy and whoever is "GOOSE". If I see the jet skis out again, I'll take a picture of it for everyone to enjoy.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Arnold and Phil

The story goes like this: the LA Times releases a story about a recorded conversation of Arnold and some top aides. During said conversation, the discussion about an Assemblywoman's ethnicity is brought up. Arnold says, "Maybe Cuban. You get that Latino blood mixed with the Black blood and it's hot! (I'm paraphrasing here)" The funny thing is the Assemblywoman in question, her name escapes me, has NO PROBLEM with what Arnold said. Of course, the politically correct crowd instantly begins shouting from the mountaintop about how horrible Arnold is and this is an outrage. Fast forward to how the LA Times obtained the tape. Turns out that the tape came from the staff of Arnold's opponent, Phil Angelidies (sp). According to Phil's press secretary, the 4 hour recording was publicly available on Arnold's website. In reality, to find the recording the staffer had to play a different file and then go back to search for a root directory where he/she found the file. It was obviously not meant for public consupmtion, but since the staffer didn't actually hack into the system, they won't be prosecuted. If a Republican had done this in California, the press would have swarmed down upon him and his staff, but for Phil, it's just buried in the story. Typical.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Clooney to address the UN...I'm not kidding

Again another Hollywood idiot will address the ineffective UN about Darfaur. I'm all for stopping the genocide in Darfaur, but I find it hypocritical that George would urge the UN to police the world when they would obviously need the US to intervene which is what we did in Iraq and yet he was outraged that we went there. Classic.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Fire Department & Emergency Services

I had the pleasure of seeing all the first responders in action the other day. My wife had chest pains at 0330 and after consulting all our medical reference materials decided to call 911 (not to worry dear reader - my wife is fine and it wasn't a heart attack - more to come, but right now it may have been some esophagus reflux that can mimic heart attack symptoms). As my wife was telling the 911 operator what the emergency was, she told me to turn on our outside light and open the front door so the firefighters knew which home had the emergency. It took the fire department maybe 2 minutes to arrive (amazing). The ambulance followed maybe a minute behind the fire truck (again, amazing). The paramedic worked quickly and decided to transport my wife to the hospital, which is when I began to worry. Both the firefighters and ambulance crew were professional and efficient throughout the event. After having my Mother drive over to watch the kids if I couldn't get back in time, I drove the hospital. I found my wife in room one of the ER. She said that it wasn't a heart attack and they were running some tests, but she appeared to be fine. Thank God. I can't begin to tell you the thoughts that were racing through my head on the drive to the hospital, but it was crazy. Thankfully, everything is fine and my wife feels back to her old self.

I just wanted to say how impressed I was in all of our First Responders. I'm also glad to know that we live so close to a Fire Department! The whole event made me regret not following my dream of being a firefighter (another story). My hat is off to those folks in the emergency services.