Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Afghanistan & More...

Last weekend, I watched the far left liberal mouthpiece Bill Moyers Journal and it featured a lady by the name of Sarah Chayes and the interview was about Afghanistan. Sarah was an NPR journalist and has since moved to the war torn region and is still living and working there today. She covered a broad range of specifics about what has happened since the US overthrew the Taliban. It was refreshing to hear someone who lives in the region and is extremely intelligent to describe both the successes and failures of the country. Of course Lefty Moyers did his level best to insert his hatred of all things Conservative-Republican-Bush Administration, but she was a bit too smart to play into his hand. Sarah described how some good infrastructure has been improved and roads developed, but there was also bad news about the domino effect of the other affected areas. What struck me most was that so many huge subjects such as the poppy production, the Taliban, and the impact of the border issues with Pakistan can be accurately reported on by someone living there and yet the media both in the US and abroad constantly get it wrong. Another thought I had was that someone that had both her finger on the pulse of the issues and good ideas should be engaged by either our State Department or the commanders on the ground. I'm going to write my representatives for what it's worth and hope for the best. At the end of the interview all I could think was how badly we need people like this on our team and working to solve the problem. The sarcastic part of me thinks that neither the Republicans nor the Democrats would go for my idea, but I hope one day both will.Go watch and learn: http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/02222008/watch2.html