Thursday, September 15, 2005

Under God flap

Well our moronic atheist from Sacramento is at it again. Michael Newdow (sp) has successfully argued a case against teachers leading their classes in the Pledge of allegiance because the words "under God". Newdow's argument was the same as last time which revolved around the separation of church and state. I understand the necessity of separation between church and state, but the funny thing is that references to God appear in a number of places that could be considered "the state". Just pull out your wallet and right on the back of the bill reads, "In God We Trust". The same phrase is mentioned all over court facilities and when you take the stand you have to swear on a Bible. I can understand that atheists may not want to say the words, "under God", but can't they just not say the words? Why make a court case out of it unless there is some other reason. I don't see the issue, but this nutjob has a problem and now our tax dollars will once again follow him to the Supreme Court where I hope the issue is decided once and for all.

Friday, September 09, 2005


First off, I cannot tell you how excited I am that football is back. Welcome back old friend. Now on to chemistry. Monday Night Football has been missing something since the days of Howard Cosell, chemistry. The current program has John Madden (by far, the greatest color commentator today) and Al Michaels. Al was fine when he was the network's boy, but he stinks as a play-by-play guy. The other problem is that there is absolutely zero chemistry between Madden and Michaels. Madden is the most affable guy and Michaels is as stiff as they come. The perfect pairing was Madden and Summerall, who got kind of feeble towards the end of their run on FOX. Summerall came back last year to spell Mike Patrick on ESPN and he seemed fine, but MNF needs to lose Michaels quick. Most MNF games are the cream of the crop for the season, but it's painful to listen to Michaels appear as if he's human and can relate to anyone.

I almost forgot another travesty, the horse trailer. I'm sure the genius staff at MNF were looking for something along the lines of the Turducken, but the horse trailer is a lame idea. Each Monday night, Al has John pick who should go on the horse trailer and it couldn't be any more of a forced effort at best.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Katrina was just a developers plot?

You have got to be kidding me...One of my many guilty pleasures is listening to what the leftist Moonbats are saying over at Air America. One of Air America's main mouthpieces, Randi Rhodes, is now saying that the devastation of hurricane Katrina happened because the developers wanted to build resorts on the shorefront and they actually want the poor to die in LA? Most times, I just listen to laugh (the days after the last election were priceless, especially when Jeanne Garofolo cried), but this is crazy talk. Everything is not a conspiracy people...