Friday, September 02, 2005

Katrina was just a developers plot?

You have got to be kidding me...One of my many guilty pleasures is listening to what the leftist Moonbats are saying over at Air America. One of Air America's main mouthpieces, Randi Rhodes, is now saying that the devastation of hurricane Katrina happened because the developers wanted to build resorts on the shorefront and they actually want the poor to die in LA? Most times, I just listen to laugh (the days after the last election were priceless, especially when Jeanne Garofolo cried), but this is crazy talk. Everything is not a conspiracy people...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. This is consistent with the idiotic notion that conservatives hate poor people and minorities. People tend to generalize, I understand because I do it regularly, but so many radicals take such generalities and form an opinion about an event, trying to link it all together into this and other conspiracies. It is pretty entertaining but the scary thing is that someone will report a theory like this and a bunch of people will run around and talk about it like it’s fact and there is all this evidence that proves it, even though it’s just some clown on the radio saying so. Stupid.