Thursday, February 02, 2006

Something funny happened on the way home...

Last night the family went to it's first sign language class and the real fun began on the ride home.

Kathy, being the responsible parent, told me to ask Gaby if she needed to use the bathroom before we left. It was already 7:30 pm and I made the executive decision not to ask Gaby since I thought even if she didn't have to go, she'd start thinking about it during the ride home and then ask to go even if she really didn't have to go. We loaded up the car and began driving home on the pitch black back roads of Newcastle with rain pouring down. Just after passing the Newcastle exit, Gaby informs us that she has to go potty. For the uninitiated, the longest stretch of nothing happens just after the Newcastle exit up to the Loomis exit. I sped up, took the first exit, and headed into what appeared to be a gas station. Unfortunately, the gas station was being built along with an office complex adjacent to it. Gaby really has to go now, so I tell her to jump out and just go here since it's deserted and dark. Mom and Gaby got out and Gaby proceeded to ask why she had to go in a parking lot then peed on her pants due to poor aiming. I rolled down the passenger window to see how it was going. Mom stripped off the soiled pants and put Gaby back in pants-less but relieved. Kathy got back in the car and began to roll up her window when it got stuck half way up. We had thought the window problem was due to heat since it only seemed to happen during the 95+ degree summer days. Obviously our diagnosis of the window problem was wrong. The drive home was straight out of a comedy with Kathy desperately holding a baby blanket over the half closed window with rain and cold wind pouring into the car, Gaby telling us she's cold, the heat cranked up to full blast to try and counter the open window. Too funny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Classic! Thanks for sharing.