Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Talking while doing business may want to skip this post. What is it with guys wanting to talk while using the urinal? Maybe it's me, but I can't think of a time when I feel less like talking than while going to the bathroom. I often use the stall if I see some jackal who I know will say something brilliant if I saddle up next to them at an adjacent urinal. The unfortunate encounter happened today when in mid-stream, this hammerhead who works near me starts chatting me up and all I can think of is hurry up and finish to get the hell out of there.


Anonymous said...

Funny, I feel the same way. I don't get it either. Ever notice people sound like they are shouting when in the bathroom because of the accoustics? I just want to get in and get out. "Hey Steve, what are you working on these days" is a classic. Or, "What's going on?". That's another. "Well, I'm taking a piss at the moment. Maybe later we can hook up when I'm taking a dump and catch up some more".

Anonymous said...

I also hate it when people post the same comment on a blog twice...Sorry :)

matt said...

too funny man - no worries about the double post.