Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Are they serious?

There is now a law that folks are looking to pass that would mandate kids won't be allowed to ride up front in a car until they're 13 and will have to be in a booster seat until age 8. When I was a kid, I can vividly remember riding in the back of my Mom's Chevy Malibu with no seat belt and facing the wrong direction. Sure, there was the occasional moment of danger, like when I almost choked to death on, of all things, a Life Saver (another story for another day), but we never had any problems. I think that sometimes society tries to protect a little too much especially when it comes to kids. I still rage against the machine that my wife makes our daughter wear a helmet while riding her bicycle. At this rate, car seat of the future will all be equipped with air bags and take up even more room in the car. Unbelievable.


Anonymous said...

I once knew this guy who chocked so hard he nealy threw up on his freind from Oregon! Wait a second, that was you sum-bitch!

Kevin said...

You can't choke on a lifesaver or else it wouldn't be called that, stupid.

I agree with your comments here! I think the whole thing is stupid. We are saving too many lives and frankly, it's weakening the heard! Survival of the fittest!!! You die in a car because you inhaled an entire pack of lifesavers without opening them, then you're out...thank you for playing! And the chain is stronger without the weak link. Sure, the pack needs the slow gazelle so the rest of us can make a clean getaway, but there will always be a slowest gazelle. By the are you ankles these days? Or are they cankles?

The funny thing? In a car where you are essentially surrounded by steel, you need a booster seat until 8?? I saw a kid on the back of his mom's motorcycle today and he had a helmet that barely fit. No sissy bar, no seat belt, no booster's like, if you're not in a car, well what you want. And a helmet on a bicycle is just plain silly....what's next?? Helmet when you skip? How about run??? Walking is ok, since it's not really a strenuous activity ;)

Love the blog, hate the author. Love you sweetie!!!!