Thursday, October 12, 2006

Church design or maybe just the people?

The church we attend is pretty new truly beautiful. The only issue is that the location of Holy Water is in one big pool located next to the exit/entrance doors. Upon entering the church, access to the pool isn't hard at all because people are trickling into the service. The exiting is where the mass chaos begins.

Since there is only one location of the Holy Water, everyone moves towards the pool at once. Even without children, I found it difficult to make my way to the pool because rude people who had already dipped their finger are now trying to get out and don't even look at you as you patiently stand there waiting for an opening to the pool.

I wish that the designer(s) of the church had done what they used to do at all the old days and had Holy Water located in separate receptacles so that folks could hit it as they walk out the door. By having only one location, it's like a concert with people stampeding towards the pool.

The irony is that everyone in the church has just heard the service and should be feeling uplifted and kind towards one's fellow man, but suddenly changes or reverts back to what would appear to be selfish behavior once it's over.

I won't even go into what happens in the parking lot...


Anonymous said...

I cast you out unclean spirit! It is He who commands you! Be gone, in the name of the father!
-----Father Merrin

matt said...

thank you father merrin...ha!

Anonymous said...

Um... if you are so damn religious, why don't you learn a little bit of patience and wait for your "fellow man" to dip their booger encrusted, AIDS infected fingers into the cherished tap water?

If you waited in your pew for 2 minutes while the place cleared out instead of rushing out with the rest of the sheep, you would make it a little easier for everyone else to wash the crap off their hands and to let the parking lot clear out. Don't be in such a hurry, the tap water won't all evaporate before you get to rub someone else's AIDS onto your face.