Friday, January 26, 2007

Good things for once...

I thought I'd post a few of the great things in life in no particular order:

Starbucks Grande Mocha & a Maple Oat Scone; Starbucks holiday offering: Peppermint Mocha, Round Table Pizza (pep + b. o.) w/ranch and a Pepsi, Matty's Nachos and a Pepsi, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, a fire on a cold or rainy day, movies at home, going to the movies, Great America, Santa Cruz, volleyball, the beach, Hawaii, NFL Sundays, Pittsburgh Steelers, good books, playing music, new car smell, bodysurfing, swimming, a good workout, getting hammered, bbq'd steak, playing with my kids, San Francisco, San Diego, time alone, talk radio, television, Halloween, Christmas, Kev's golf tournament (at least before this year), listening to great music...

Feel free to add your own entries and I'll do the same somewhere down the line...


Allison said...

Chocolate and wine...separately or together...either way!

Kevin said...

Um, your first 9 items are all food....and playing with your kids came after "new car smell". I know you said no particular order, but lets face it, you typed these as they hit your mind. I'd also like to add a couple for you that I think you forgot:

Parking in carpool with or without a pass, the confidence 2 Active Ankles give you, streaming radio, right wing publications, bashing the left, yelling at Clemens, punching me before 1/1/07. P.S. Thanks for the nod on the first 10 years of the tournament.