Thursday, June 14, 2007

That's one way to look at it...

Valerie Plame/Joe Wilson/John Fitzgerald - I heard Joe Wilson today on a radio show commenting on Scooter Libby's sentence and what I found hilarious was the way both Joe and the host stuck to the left's spin on this non-story. For those of you who don't know the story, Valerie Plame was made famous when columnist Robert Novak mentioned her name in conjunction with sending Joe Wilson to Niger to investigate a story that Iraq tried to buy uranium. The story was that Plame suggested sending her husband, Joe Wilson, to Niger to find out if the claim was true. In his official report, Wilson did confirm that Iraq attempted to purchase uranium from Niger ( The story erupted when Joe Wilson wrote an op-ed article after President Bush's State of the Union Address accusing the Administration of lying about his report. The funny thing is that Wilson is contradicted by his own report to the CIA about the uranium and his wife sending him to Niger. After the story broke, an investigation was launched to find out who leaked Valerie Wilson's name which was classified by the CIA. After the investigation was concluded, the only indictment handed down was to Scooter Libby for obstruction of justice due to his conflicting statements to the investigators. There was no indictment of the person who leaked her name, Richard Armitage, but the left continues to say that Libby is going to jail for leaking the name. I simply find it amusing that the left continues to beat the drum about the leak when Libby wasn't found guilty of the crime.


Kevin said...

obstructing justice is still a scooter libby was indeed found guilty of. And on top of that, don't quote me, but I believe the judge in the case called the evidence against scooter blabby to be significant. Sure, maybe there are other people guilty but "hey, i'm not guilty for what you say, just guilty for a lot of other stuff" isn't a good defense. my advice is this: don't be like Paris; be like Martha. Be quiet, do you time, and then get out and write a book. my 2 cents...

matt said...

I never said what he did was not a crime, but pointed out how often people say that Libby was guilty of outing a covert CIA agent which is incorrect. Shocking that you missed the point entirely...

Kevin said...

you are correct that I missed that point. I think I missed it because that point was not made in the original post. the point I got was: Stupid left again hanging an innocent man. Fact is this: Scooter Gabby is another politician guilty of obstructing justice. It's not the same as you or me obstructing justice. He works for the governemnt! The same government that creates and enforces these laws. It's like a crooked-cop. And you're going to bat for this guy? No wonder the right is going to lose the presidency!

matt said...

going to bat, trying to make sure that the facts are correct, yes. that is the point jerkface.

Kevin said...

i only wish that our politicians are as concerned about making sure the facts are correct. oh wait...that's what he's in trouble for! D-oh!