Tuesday, October 04, 2005

If you like the NFL, you need to live on the West Coast

Nothing is better than a Sunday when the NFL is playing. You can start your morning with ESPN's warm up at 8:00 am and bask in the glory of the NFL until around 9:30 pm! You get three games to watch and sandwiched in between is NFL Primetime. I love this time of year.

I remember my first trip back east during the NFL season. I was in Florida for a business trip that lasted two agonizing weeks (maybe I'll post on that one day). Sunday rolls around and I'm up at nine to start watching football. I turn on the TV, but there is NO FOOTBALL? What the hell? Where is my football? It isn't until 11:00 am that ESPN starts their coverage - agh! I was up past midnight for the Monday Night game the following day. I don't know how football fans survive on the East Coast.

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