Wednesday, December 21, 2005

transit strike in NY

Great stuff from Michelle Malkin:

Estimated daily cost of a strike to the city - $400,000,000
Average Salary for a Subway/Bus operator - $62,000
Starting Salary for a NYPD Police officer - $25,100
Trying to get support from a public that makes less money (on average), will get less salary increases (3.5% versus the TWU's request for 8%), and will have to work over a decade longer (TWU retires at 55)....while making them walk to work in 25 degree weather - Priceless

This just makes me sick. I work in the private sector and have NEVER seen an 8% raise based on nothing more than being there. Is this the liberal ideal of a "living wage" for all? If so, how about helping the cops first?

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Federal Air Marshal shooting

I feel safer already. Yesterday, some guy stood up on a flight already on the tarmac and said he had a bomb. The Federal Air Marshals who were on the flight told him to get down, but when he didn't listen they shot and killed the man. When the man first got up and starting freaking out his wife was yelling that he was bipolar and didn't know what he was doing. I think the Air Marshals did a fabulous job taking the man down. I feel sorry for the wife, but if he was prone to outbursts like the one displayed yesterday, why wasn't the flight crew informed? Also, why is Katie Couric asking the if the Air Marshals could have just shot to wound instead of kill. According to Ms. Couric, normal people were wondering why they had to kill the man. I'm sorry, but if it's me on the plane and some guy jumps up and goes crazy, I want him put down and not simply wounded. What if the guy was a terrorist and really did have a bomb like he claimed? If only wounded, would he still be able to detonate the bomb? It's crap like this that makes me crazy. Also, from what I've heard, it's extremely hard to simply wound a person. The part of the Hollywood film where the star only wounds happens only in the movies Katie. When a person is identified as a terrorist threat, the officers shoot to kill and I'm glad they do so that people like you still have an opportunity to make an asshat out of yourself.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Price of oil?

Just about came out of my chair last night watching an A&E special on Clooney's new anti-American movie, Syriana. Couched as a documentary/promo, the piece dealt with the US and our dependence on oil and the mess in the middle east. What got me going was the main Arab character wants to make his country more democratic, but says that he needs the US to pay more for the oil. Next on was some ex-CIA punk was spouting off that Bin Laden suggested that the standard price for oil should be around $100 a barrel. The price should be higher, according to these Hollywood geniuses, because at the current price we are starving their countries. Now while I am no history or middle east expert, what about the money the Arab states spend on their personal palaces and other toys? Before just taking these idiots word on what they think the price should be, how about cutting back a little from the top? Have you seen some of the palaces these idiots have and the stuff they buy? I love most of Clooney's movies and will probably like Syriana as a movie, but don't confuse reality and fantasy boys. Stick to acting.