Monday, December 05, 2005

Price of oil?

Just about came out of my chair last night watching an A&E special on Clooney's new anti-American movie, Syriana. Couched as a documentary/promo, the piece dealt with the US and our dependence on oil and the mess in the middle east. What got me going was the main Arab character wants to make his country more democratic, but says that he needs the US to pay more for the oil. Next on was some ex-CIA punk was spouting off that Bin Laden suggested that the standard price for oil should be around $100 a barrel. The price should be higher, according to these Hollywood geniuses, because at the current price we are starving their countries. Now while I am no history or middle east expert, what about the money the Arab states spend on their personal palaces and other toys? Before just taking these idiots word on what they think the price should be, how about cutting back a little from the top? Have you seen some of the palaces these idiots have and the stuff they buy? I love most of Clooney's movies and will probably like Syriana as a movie, but don't confuse reality and fantasy boys. Stick to acting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really don't like celebrities using their status to get their worthless opinions across. I know that’s not really what this post is about, but it makes me think of the crossed line. Sure, having movies and music about politics or anything else a creative freedom and DOES belong because we need not have rigid limits on content. BUT, can we not have Barbara Streisand and Martin Sheen popping up everywhere on my TV? If I like your show or music, I’ll deal with the undertones. Using their status to appear everywhere for their skewed cause furthers the issue where ignorant people start believing what their celebrity geniuses have to say. And that it is the idea, in part, but I don’t like it.