Wednesday, December 21, 2005

transit strike in NY

Great stuff from Michelle Malkin:

Estimated daily cost of a strike to the city - $400,000,000
Average Salary for a Subway/Bus operator - $62,000
Starting Salary for a NYPD Police officer - $25,100
Trying to get support from a public that makes less money (on average), will get less salary increases (3.5% versus the TWU's request for 8%), and will have to work over a decade longer (TWU retires at 55)....while making them walk to work in 25 degree weather - Priceless

This just makes me sick. I work in the private sector and have NEVER seen an 8% raise based on nothing more than being there. Is this the liberal ideal of a "living wage" for all? If so, how about helping the cops first?

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