Friday, July 14, 2006

Israel vs. Hezbollah thoughts...

How stupid does Hezbollah feel after grabbing those Israeli soldiers? They've succeeded in bringing hell down on them now and I must say that I can't blame Israel. Hezbollah started this latest conflict and I'm fine with Israel taking the war to them. Israel is isolated in the region with nothing but other countries ready to wipe them off the map. Hopefully, the force that Israel has responded with will deter others from helping the morons who grabbed the soldiers.

Today the Vatican denounced Israel's response to the kidnappings. Then they added they also denounce the kidnappings in the first place. Strange that the Vatican didn't issue a statement about the kidnappings last week, but had no problem jumping on Israel when they went in to get their boys back. While I disagree with the Vatican's response, I hope that next time they are a little more prompt with their statements regarding the first aggression.

There was also a blog entry I read that postulated a frightening theory. What if the axis of evil that GW mentioned is working in concert with this latest effort? Apparently, Lebanon is a puppet state of Syria, Syria is a puppet state of Iran and Iran and North Korea are good buddies. I sincerely hope that all the countries are not working together, but it remains a possibility that we may need to deal with on a much larger scale.


neicybelle said...

hello, devilishly handsome matt! I was random blogging and ran across yours. I really like it! You're interesting and real without being preachy. If it's ok with you, I'd like to drop in more often...

matt said...

Drop in anytime you like neicybelle - the more the merrier.

neicybelle said...

thank you!

Anonymous said...

Oh sure support the jews!
What up brother! can you believe the pre-season is only a few short weeks away! Go Black and Gold!!!!

Kevin said...

Isreal vs. Hezbollah?? Sounds more like a UFC fight than a real issue. And while I find most of your posts to be painful to my brain for the 2 seconds it takes to read them, I will give you props on variety. I doubt there is another blog that talks about "talking in the bathroom while going poop" to "Israel and Hezbollah". I think you've covered all the bases. I'd like to put in a couple requests. Would love to see blogs on the following:

- Moore vs. Clay
- Lance Armstrong: American Hero
- Anything Star Wars (except Lucas bashing)
- Car Czar or Car Village Idiot

I will wait patiently and continue to sift through your mindless 'chum' until the above requested sharks come swimming by...(in honor of shark week)...

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