Friday, October 07, 2005

ICU for dogs & cats?

Are you kidding me? I was listening to one of my favorite people to hate, Kristine Kraft, and she was going on about her dog who was coming out of ICU? Did I really here that right? There is an ICU for dogs? What the hell? Call me callous, but if my pet gets to the point where they need major surgery that requires they stay in an animal ICU, I'm putting that puppy down. I understand people are close to their pets, but training someone as a surgeon for an animal seems a bit much, when their skills could be better utilized on humans. Maybe I'm wrong here, but I just think that if someone is brilliant enough to perform major surgery on an animal could be better utilized in a hospital working on humans.


Anonymous said...

I suppose anything people are willing to pay for is fair game, provided it’s legal, of course. You can pay for almost anything. The pet business is a huge! It's like the death business. You can spend a fortune on being dead (headstone, funeral, etc.) and being dead doesn’t do anybody any good either. I think it's interesting too that there are a lot of people that want to be veterinarians but want nothing to do with being a doctor. I’m not sure why other than less bureaucracy and you’re not going to be sued for accidentally killing Fido. As long as I don’t have to pay for it, I don’t care. As soon as my insurance premiums or taxes go up to pay for health care for people’s animals, it doesn’t matter.

I guess it's easier to understand if you just look at it from the economic standpoint.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you're insane. To some people, their pet is considered part of the family and it should be. If it's going to be classified as anything else, you don't deserve the love and affection you get from a dog. Second, you moron, dogs and cats are operated on every day....getting spayed or neutered is a form of surgery. Are you telling me we should stop that and have those people work on humans....good idea! You know how many cats and dogs there will be??? You've just created a huge tax expense trying to handle all these animals, but I suppose being fiscally responsible is not something that a right wing conservative like yourself is worried about.

Michele said...

Did you know that there is health insurance for pets too?
As far as surgeons for animals....some one has to be trained to do the medical research on the animals that experiements are done on. Some one needs to do the autopsys and stuff like that. I'll worry when they start having "Animal Planet CSI-"
Then, we've got a problem....

matt said...

kevin - funny you a$$. when a dog or cat is nutered or spayed, do they end up in ICU? and who made you determine who can or cannot get a pet? ask clemens how buster is doing!