Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Rolling Stones

I was in the gym this morning and a Rolling Stones video was on from the 90's I think. I like the Rolling Stones, but they haven't made a decent LP/CD since Tattoo You. I'm all for getting by, but it just infuriates me when bands put out albums just to put out something new. I'm pretty sure the Stones can survive just fine on what they own already, not to mention all the touring they do every year. It saddens me when good bands put out crap.

Friday, August 26, 2005

on-line selling

I'm not the most experienced user of eBay and the on-line selling/buying craze. I've only bought a few items from eBay until recently. I heard about a cool local service called Craigslist, http://sacramento.craigslist.org/, that was a local posting board for free. A friend of my wife recommended it and told of how easy it was to use. I posted two items out there last week and one guy called and then decided not to buy. There was another person who wanted the same item, but it sounded fishy. This guy wanted to buy the item at the listed price and pay for it via Western Union. I would then hand off the item to a courier who would pick it up for him. Once the other guy dropped out of the running, I decided to give this weirdo a try. As soon as I gave him the information, sure enough an e-mail arrived from what appeared to be Western Union telling me that I could expect a money order in a few days. It felt phony right away, but my desire to sell the item held out hope. The guy had already scheduled FedEx for a pickup the following day, but I wasn't sure about it now. I went back and re-read the messages from Western Union and the text appeared to be written in somewhat broken English. I was pretty sure that it was some kind of scam so I wrote the guy back and said that I wasn't going to send it until I actually received the money order and cashed it. I then went out of the internet and sure enough, all it took was a search for Western Union BidPay and a scam where a buyer posing as Western Union shipping to Nigeria (I know, crazy huh?) was looking for suckers. That confirmed it for me since the shipping label this kook sent me was for Nigeria.

I guess the moral is to beware of something that appears too good to be true.

Friday, August 19, 2005


I love volleyball. I started playing when I first worked at the place I ended up working at now (another time for that story). A few of us went out to the sand courts in the quad and started playing. It wasn't long until a more experienced player came over and asked if we'd like to know the rules to the game we were butchering. Once we had the rules down, we started playing everyday at lunch and had a blast. We became so cocky that we held a tournament in our group to see who was the best of the best. I ended up winning with my best buddy and we thought we'd made it to the top. We were so cocky that we searched out and found a local outdoor tournament. At work we usually play 3-on-3, but this tournament was 2-on-2 and not in sand, but grass. We figured that it would be a cake walk. We were sorely mistaken. The day started off fine, but we quickly learned that 2-man is way different than 3-man. Not only did we lose every single game we played, by the time I got home I felt like I'd been run over by a Mack truck. We stuck with the game and eventually got better.

I've played pretty much every possible way you can: indoor 4's, 6's, outdoor 2's 4's 6's, sand & grass. Two person sand is by far my favorite, but living nowhere near a beach makes that a tad difficult. There are some local sand courts that I play on now and then, but my dream is to one day live near a beach where I can play everyday. Volleyball has become not only my favorite sport, but a passion in my life. I was even lucky enough to meet my wife while playing.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Random Thoughts

I don't have anything earth shattering to post, so I thought I'd just riff for a while.

Got to see my beloved Steelers play last night and it was a sight to behold. First three touches resulted in TDs for the Steelers as they coasted to a win. The 1st team defense couldn't stop McNabb and company as they marched down for their 1st TD. Looks like it could be a good season.

Today is the anniversary of Elvis' death. Don & Mike, radio guys from DC, do one heck of a tribute and can be heard on the web at WJKF.com.

No one can really screw up hot dogs, right? Wrong. Last night we had some friends over to watch the game and have dinner and I was going to BBQ some dogs. I had a fire large enough to heat our home and placed not some, but all of the hot dogs on the grill and walked inside to watch the game. I came out after two plays and every hot dog was charred black and some were on fire. I took off all the dogs and headed to the store, d'oh! I came back and cooked them correctly this time, cover on and away from the super hot coals, and all was well.

I can't wait until the elections of 2006 because it seems like both sides have cast aside all manner of civility in the debate. Perhaps some of it's due to the internet and it's ability to communicate instantaneously ideas. Or that a two-term President causes both sides to foam at the mouth. Whatever the reasons, it will be interesting to see what happens in 2006 and if all the chatter leads to anything.

That's it for now...

Friday, August 12, 2005

old friends

Recently, I ran into an old friend who was still in contact with my other old friends as well. It had been almost a decade since I had really talked to these folks. We were lucky enough to get together at a local park and catch up. Everyone had changed in one way or another, but remained the same too. Some had married and had children and others had grown from their life experiences. One overriding thought kept circling my mind, I should have reached out long ago. I'm sad I missed out of some of life's biggest milestones with my friends, but am glad I found them again. Each one reminded me of the past and how much fun we used to have running around. I look forward to what the future brings and know that it'll be richer now that I have them back in my life.

Thursday, August 11, 2005


If this thing catches on, http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/J/JERK_O_METER?SITE=TXPLA&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT, I'm done for...ha-ha!

Porter too?

My football season took another hit with the announcement that Joey Porter, the guy who's jersey I just got for this season, will miss all of preseason due to knee surgery. Everyone is optimistic, but damnit, I can't help being a tad worried. We need both Porter & Duce to make a run for the Super Bowl. I too hope they'll both be back soon and healthy.

On a side note, I joined an ESPN free fantasy football league yesterday to get ready for my own fantasy draft and the following is a list of my players: QBs: j. delhomme, b. griese, RBs: d. mcallister, b. westbrook, m. faulk, c, taylor, WRs: r. moss, r. wayne, d. jackson, d. bennett, l. fitzgerald, c. rogers, TEs: a. gates, d. clark, DEF/ST: eagles, K: r. longwell. We'll see how I do in the ESPN league!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The whole Sheehan thing

I actually feel sorry for Cindy Sheehan. I feel sorry for her loss, but even more sorry that she is now the latest tool for the far left. The whole thing is really low. To use a Mother who has lost a son is disgraceful even for the far left. I actually took the time to read the original article, http://www.thereporter.com/republished, and it really does appear that she changed her tune just as Drudge reported yesterday. In the article, Sheehan and her husband actually discuss if when they meet with the President they should bring up their opposition to how he's handling the war, which I thought was odd. After the meeting, the article clearly states that Bush did indeed comfort the grieving parents and they were grateful. Now it appears that Sheehan has been reading all of the far left's absurd assertions that the entire war was fought for oil. I'm sure she sees herself as someone who can make a difference in her opposition to the President, but does she also realize that she's being used as a tool for the far left in their bid to retake the Congress and White House? All the lefty blogs/sites have Sheehan's story plastered everywhere and are using it as a talking point in their daily complaints about Bush. Sheehan is now being mentioned on Al Jazeera which I'm sure will be used over there as another example of how they are the ones winning the war on terror. Crazy...

BB6 update

Howie has to be the stupidest man ever! First he screws up by not putting up anyone from "the friendship" and instead turns on his own group. I admit that James tried to save his own butt by selling out his group, but deal with that after taking care of business. Now with the threat of that idiot Eric returning, "the friendship" will have the numbers to just start picking off the good guys. On top of Howie's first major screwup, he then can't get the other mental midgets to prevent James from winning the power of veto! James could have been taken out by three out of the four people who could have participated, but somehow no one figure that one out. Each season, the producers manage to find people more inept than the last group. Unbelievable.

Yes, I am ashamed at how much time this show occupies, but it is one of my many guilty pleasures.

You know your fat when...

The other day, I was finishing up giving my daughter a bath when she made a comment about my body. She looked at my chest and remarked, "One day mine will be big like that too." Perhaps it's time to think about a diet....ha-ha.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


My favorite football team is the Pittsburgh Steelers and I was saddened to see that Duce Staley had to have knee surgery and will be out for a month. Reports say that he should be back in a month, but who knows what's going to happen. I'm still stoked for the season, but bummed that one of their primary weapons is dinged up. http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/05220/550592.stm


Welcome one and all to my craptacular blog! I've been reading blogs for a while now, mostly political, and have always wanted to have my own. A good friend just started his own blog and inspired me to do the same. If I would have known that one could start a blog for free, I would have done it even sooner. My blog will cover anything I find interesting and I hope you enjoy reading my take on the world. So look around and see what you can find...