Wednesday, April 05, 2006

More on the immigration issue...

Two more follow up items about the immigration issue - on the Drudge Report this morning was this ludicrous story about banning red, white, and blue in school: The school claimed that they didn't just ban the good old US of A's colors, but all nationalities colors since students were using them to taunt each other. How about correcting the behavior instead? Too much to ask?

Another thought is about Mexico re-taking California: Yes, there are some folks who think that the US should give back what it "stole" from Mexico. If these idiots really think they have a chance, I say bring it on. I believe we would unleash hell as my man Russell Crowe so aptly said on Mexico and then erect a wall that would make the old East Berlin wall look as if it was made out of Lincoln Logs. Heck, if it comes to that, we should push all the way down and turn Mexico into new resort states. I'm sure Florida would appreciate it, ha-ha.

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