Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The whole Sheehan thing

I actually feel sorry for Cindy Sheehan. I feel sorry for her loss, but even more sorry that she is now the latest tool for the far left. The whole thing is really low. To use a Mother who has lost a son is disgraceful even for the far left. I actually took the time to read the original article,, and it really does appear that she changed her tune just as Drudge reported yesterday. In the article, Sheehan and her husband actually discuss if when they meet with the President they should bring up their opposition to how he's handling the war, which I thought was odd. After the meeting, the article clearly states that Bush did indeed comfort the grieving parents and they were grateful. Now it appears that Sheehan has been reading all of the far left's absurd assertions that the entire war was fought for oil. I'm sure she sees herself as someone who can make a difference in her opposition to the President, but does she also realize that she's being used as a tool for the far left in their bid to retake the Congress and White House? All the lefty blogs/sites have Sheehan's story plastered everywhere and are using it as a talking point in their daily complaints about Bush. Sheehan is now being mentioned on Al Jazeera which I'm sure will be used over there as another example of how they are the ones winning the war on terror. Crazy...


Anonymous said...

I don't really have the full perspective of this situation, having only seen and read a little. Commenting with little information tends to be risky and irresponsible. That said, is this lady crazy? I saw a live interview on the Today Show where they were questioning her reasoning. Does she really expect W to "have a sit down discussion" with her to resolve her concerns? Oh, let's have a special meeting. The loss is obvious and terrible and that isn't in question. But, it isn't at all reasonable to expect a personal chat. Protest all you want, I get that.

matt said...

Especially since she already met with him once before.