Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Blue Wednesday...

Listening to the radio on the way to work was like a kick in the nuts today. As I retired for the evening, two of Arnold's initiatives looked like they may pass. It appears that Arnold lost on every front. I understand that CA is left leaning, but I thought that common sense would prevail on at least a few of the new ideas. In my humble opinion, Arnold's message took it's biggest hit when the unions carted out their sympathetic mouthpieces that included nurses, firefighters, and teachers. The Dems won this round, but I remain hopeful that the GOP can learn from this defeat and do a better job of messaging and getting the word out to the masses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen brother. Just lame. Now what? The advertising got many people, I'm sure. Seems like the masses just want to spend spend spend and go after my paycheck. I'm supposed to support State job protection when mine can go at any time and it's just too damn bad for me. Stupid.