Thursday, November 10, 2005

Halloween and kids today

Thought I should post about my Halloween experience before it got too far past the event. What is it with kids today (how old do I sound)? When I did go trick-or-treating in my older teenage years, I at least went to the trouble to wear a costume. This year, several bands of older kids came through in next to nothing for a costume just expecting candy. I just don't get it. The problem is that I don't want a Larry David episode going down later that I still give them candy. The other issue was that while my wife and daughter were out, I was left behind with our youngest. I just left the bowl outside with the screen door open and when kids came up, I told them to take a few. For the most part the kids did as instructed, however, there were a few boys who grabbed handfuls of candy right in front of me as if it was okay?!? I had to let them know that they were only supposed to take "a few" and not a handful...which will lead to another post about the lack of respect in children, but that's another post.


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Anonymous said...

I know what you mean man. It's been subtle, but I've noticed a difference since we went trick-or-treating. It's like everything else in terms of respect and courtesy. Some kids are great and some are horrible and that goes for Halloween or shopping a Target. I think books are written about this. Family dynamics, schools, diet, evolution. They all play some factor it seems.